

Certified healthcare providers are essential for the effective delivery of quality patient care services. As the industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and treatments, the need for certified professionals will only continue to grow.

Healthcare certificates provide opportunities for students to gain valuable skill sets. 无论你是刚刚开始你的职业生涯, 寻求改变, or looking to advance in your current healthcare role, obtaining the right certification can open doors to fulfilling and financially rewarding opportunities.

医疗办公室支持证书II的目的是准备学生作为前台工作人员在各种流动医疗保健设置, 比如门诊中心, clinics, 还有医生的办公室. Responsibilities include answering incoming calls and scheduling appointments, 安排临床程序, 协助完成必要的表格, maintaining hard copy and electronic patient records, 计算机数据输入. Duties related to financial processes may involve billing, 医疗编码, 处理保险表格.

Courses will introduce the student to topics in medical terminology, 医学伦理学, 以及口头和书面沟通. 医务办公室支助证书II的目的是允许顺利过渡到医务助理证书I方案.


课程数量 Course Credits
HLTK 1200医学术语3
HIT 1550医务室行政程序3

医疗助理证书课程准备学生在门诊和门诊护理设置工作, 包括医务室和诊所. Duties vary depending on the type of healthcare facility and state law.

医疗助理是多技能的联合医疗专业人员,他们在与医生和其他医疗专业人员一起工作的同时,履行行政和临床职责. Students develop specialized knowledge and skills through classroom instruction, 在校园实验室进行动手技能练习, and direct patient care experiences in a clinical environment. 学生必须提交犯罪背景调查和尿液药物筛选,才有资格参加临床实习.

The program consists of 31 career-related credits and may be completed in as little as two semesters. 成功完成该课程的学生有资格通过国家能力测试中心参加行业认可的认证考试,以获得国家认证医疗助理(NCMA)和国家认证静脉切开术技师(NCPT)的认证。.


课程数量 Course Credits
BADM 1005商业数学I3
HIT 1550医务室行政程序3
HLTK 1200医学术语3
ZOO 1200人类生物学3
ZOO 2015人体解剖学4





The Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Program is a collaboration between 乐天堂app and the U.S. 劳工部,学徒办公室. 注册的学生必须完成20学分的职业相关在线课程,同时在经验丰富的现场导师的指导下获得至少2000小时的在职培训. The employer is responsible for evaluating skills competence and maintaining progress records. 

完成所要求的课程, the college will issue a 医疗助理学徒证书二级. Once on-the-job requirements are met and skills competency has been verified by the employer, 学徒有资格通过国家能力测试中心参加注册医疗助理考试,以获得国家注册医疗助理(NCMA)证书, and may earn a nationally recognized DOL-issued certificate. 

学徒必须年满18岁, 有高中文凭或同等学历, and be employed by a registered apprenticeship sponsor.


课程数量 Course Credits
HIT 1550医务室行政程序3
HLTK 1200医学术语3
ZOO 1200人类生物学3

梅达1800: 静脉切开术的实践原则 (3 credits)

抽血师是熟练的卫生保健工作者,他们执行血液采集程序并为实验室分析准备样本. 工作机会包括医院, 实验室, 门诊手术中心, 医生的办公室, 和诊所. Phlebotomists may also find employment in dialysis and blood donation centers, 还有社区健康博览会. 

A career in phlebotomy has a quick training period and a secure job market. If you like helping others and meeting new people on a daily basis, 这可能就是你要找的工作. A career in phlebotomy may also serve as a stepping stone. 与其他医疗保健专业人员一起工作将有助于了解各种角色. Some career paths of phlebotomy-certified individuals include nursing, 医疗协助, 心电图技术员, 以及医学实验室技术人员. As you gain more experience, you will open yourself up to new opportunities. 

这一学期的混合课程结合了在线课堂教学和校园实验室的实践活动. 主题包括患者身份识别, 样本采集, 贴标瓶, 诊断测试, 记录实验结果, 以及标本的储存和运输. Because phlebotomists collect blood and are at risk for exposure to a variety of diseases, an emphasis on universal precautions helps to ensure their safety and that of their patients. 


HLTK 1665: 心电描记法 Techniques (1 credit)

Whether you’re an experienced healthcare worker looking to expand your skill set, or want to begin a new career working closely with patients and the healthcare team, enrolling in the ECG course is a step in the right direction. 

心电图技术人员, 有时被称为遥测技术人员, are allied health workers who use specialized equipment to measure the heart’s electrical activity. 这些信息有助于识别可能导致心脏病发作或心脏病的心脏异常. 

心电图技术主要在医院工作, but can also work in long-term care facilities or private practices. They are responsible for explaining the procedure to the patient, 使患者适当体位进行检查, 连接必要的电极. The technician then monitors heart performance and the patient’s blood pressure. Findings are reported to the ordering physician or healthcare provider. 

This 1-credit course combines classroom instruction with hands-on activities in the campus lab. Students must have a United States high school diploma or equivalent. 在完成, 学生有资格通过国家能力测试中心申请心电技术员认证. 

NRST 1510:护理助理(4学分)

持证护理助理是指成功完成批准的培训课程并通过国家认证考试的个人. As a CNA, 您将在护士和其他有执照的医疗保健专业人员的监督下工作,为各种环境中的患者提供基本护理. Nursing assistants are the primary caregivers in meeting the day-to-day needs of patients, 并在将患者病情信息传递给医疗团队成员方面发挥重要作用. 

The nursing assistant course is available to anyone 16 years of age or older. Becoming a nursing assistant could be a stepping stone for continuing your education. 注册护士有机会在职业阶梯上上升到潜在的高薪工作,如二级注册护士和药物助理.

本课程采用混合教学形式,包括在线活动与校园实验室的实践技能练习相结合,然后在讲师的监督下在临床环境中直接对患者进行护理. At times, 提供培训机会的临床机构将为表现出能力的学生提供就业机会. The 乐天堂app nursing program follows the requirements established by our clinical partners. 在第一个临床日之前, 学生必须提供某些免疫记录,并提交犯罪背景调查和尿液药物检查. 

大多数护理助理课程是四到六周的长度,不限于一个学期的时间表. It doesn’t take long to become a nursing assistant and you will continue to learn once you find employment. Classes are offered on the Riverton campus during the summer session, 而乐天堂app的课程则在秋季进行, spring, 还有夏季课程. For registration information, contact a CWC academic advisor.

Students who complete the course are eligible to test for state certification. The certification examination is conducted monthly at various test sites throughout the state. Your instructor will provide you with application and fee information. Successful completion of the nursing assistant course does not guarantee certification.

NRST 1550: 二级注册护理员 (2 credits)

本课程为目前持有执照的CNA提供了一个机会,为扩展角色的实践做准备,并在基础CNA培训之外执行某些技术技能. 学生通过课堂教学和校园实验室的实践活动来发展知识和技能. 重点是无菌技术, 伤口护理, 停止静脉置管, 泌尿系统程序, 呼吸过程, 管饲和心电图.

入学的学生必须通过综合笔试和达到要求水平的最终技能实习. 成功完成课程的学生有资格通过怀俄明州护理委员会申请认证. 有10美元的费用,执照候选人可能被要求在申请表上提供1500小时作为CNA工作的文件. 

For more information, contact Stacey Stanek at 307-855-2226 or email

NRST 1600:药物助理(4学分)

If you are a currently licensed CNA II and want to advance your career, 这是你等待已久的机会!

The role of the medication aide is to give daily medications, 无论是处方药还是非处方药, 在注册专业人士的指导下. The aide must administer the right medication in the indicated dosage at the correct time, and then record dosages and monitor the patient for adverse reactions.  

这100小时的课程包括60小时的课堂教学和40小时的监督临床实践. Enrolled students must pass a comprehensive written test and a final skills practicum at the required level. 成功完成该课程的学生有资格参加由Pearson Vue管理的国家药物助理认证考试(MACE),并通过怀俄明州护理委员会获得MA-C认证.


For more information, contact Stacey Stanek at 307-855-2226 or email